history is largely told as a chronicle of great people doing great things, but for most of us, life was not made of from big moments, it's made from small moments . And with every small choice , with every small decisions , we are defining ourselves , are we honest? are we faithful? are we proud of ourself? or are we disappointed of what we become . life rarely turns out the way that we plan. the unexpected happens , and it surprises us with new and exciting possibilities . But sooner or later reality hits you in the face.
Annie Wilson
08.06 Posted by vini Comments: (0)c.this
07.56 Posted by vini Comments: (0)9 Matahari
19.47 Posted by vini Comments: (0).... orang hebat adalah orang yang bisa bersalaman dengan kesulitan. Jadi kalau kamu semua lagi punya kesulitan, hadapi! jangan takut....... kamu sudah memutuskan untuk menceburkan diri ke sungai, pilihannya adalah terus berenang untuk sampai ke tepian dan meraih semua nya. menyerah bukan pilihan, karena menyerah hanya akan membuatmu tenggelam dan mati tanpa diketahui orang lain
July 2010
11.17 Posted by vini Comments: (0)
Hi ! how are you all?
gak banyak yang terjadi juga tapi udh lama gak update blog. tb tb keinget aja
liburan udh :
- ke puncak +safari with 9.2
-ke baliiiii with my beloved friends
-baca buku
oke tentang point terakhir yg baca buku. gue biasanya sangat males baca novel, pasti kalo baca novel gak kelar2. tapi kemaren...... bangga abis karena udah membaca novel, dan kelar
selama libur ini yang udah gue baca :
-summer in seoul
-autumn in paris
-winter in tokyo
-spring in london
-romeo juliet
-perahu kertas
daaaan gue sangat suka novel yg baru saja selesai gue baca yaitu perahu kertas !!!
good job to dee
sekarang mau pesen buku dari internet dulu atau besok besok mau ke toko buku HAHA
oya kalo ada rekomendasi buku/ film boleh dikasih tau ke gue kok ;)
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gue selalu ada keinginan pengen bikin orang tua dan keluarga bangga sama gue
pgn bikin temen temen dan sahabat2 bangga punya temen kaya gue
pengen bikin orang orang sekitar seneng
tapi susah bgt rasanya dan harus melewati banyak bgt tantangan
oke mungkin sekarang gue bukan apa apa
gabisa ngapa ngapain
gak bersinar
but i promise
i will make myself proud of me :)
05.47 Posted by vini Comments: (0)- dari semua jenis alkohol., gaada yang bisa buat aku mabuk! cuma ada kamu yang bisa bikin aku mabuk . O.O
- mungkin ada jamannya suharto lengser jabatannya. habibie lengser. gusdur lengser. tapi tenang aja, jabatan mu di hati ku gak akan lengser
- aku udah gabisa belajar!! otak ku udah penuh,semua isinya tentang kamu
- aku gak perlu semua alat telekomunikasi modern kalau setiap saat hatiku bisa berkomunikasi sama kamu
- bahkan bahan setumpuk buku IPS dan plkj tidak sebanyak cintamu pada ku . ya kan?
- aku udah ngerti banget tentang peta!ulangan juga paling dapet 100. tapi ada 1 hal yang aku gak pernah ngerti. jalan menuju hati mu !!!
- AAH kompor meledak itu biasa.....listrik korslet biasa...... disini ada hatiku yang meledak dan korslet karena kamu
- untuk apa mencoba zat adiktif? alkohol,ganja,psikotropika..... kan udah ada kamu yang bisa bikin aku nge fly
- untuk apa ada ekspor impor? untuk apa negara mencari keuntungan? tidak perlu uang,dunia sudah sangat indah hanya karena ada kamu .
- setiap aku buka buku yang kebaca cuma nama kamu dimana mana ,makanya gaada pelajaran yang masuk
From Nabila:
- cerita cerita sejarah di buku ips bahkan tidak mampu menyaingi cerita cinta aku dan kamu :p hahahahah
- ngapain sih repot repot pemilu? jelas jelas cuman ada 1 calon yang bisa memenangkan hatiku, yaitu kamu
- apa sih yang istimewa dari kehadiran manusia purba dimuka bumi? lebih istimewa juga kehadiran kamu di hatiku
- coba foto foto pahlawan bersejarah adalah kamu, pasti aku gunting masukin dompet :):):) kalau fotonya gusdur ngapain. males abis hahahaha
- coba buku pelajaran membahas tentang hati kamu, pasti sekarang aku udah hafal :) :) :) stress uas gini nih
- kalau VOC ingin menguasai jayakarta, aku ingin menguasi hatimu!
- kalau Van Den Basch mengusulkan sistem tanam paksa yang menyiksa indonesia, aku mengusulkan menanam hatiku di hatimu
From Gaby:
- aku gabisa ngafalin nama2 jendral penjajah indonesia. Yang menjajah hatiku cuma kamu.
- kenapa sih ada banyak bgt perang? Perang yg aku kenal cuma satu; untuk mendapatkan dan mempertakankan hatimu.
- orde lama; orde baru..... Aku muak!! Kapan tercipta masa2 orde kita berdua bersatu???
- aku bagai kartini, kamu soeharto. Gimana caranya kita bersama? Terpisah oleh waktu dan dimensi.
- apa sih gunanya pertukaran faktor produksi? Yang aku butuhin cuma kamu kok, gausah cari2 ke luar negri.
- hutang2 indonesia pasca penjajahan belanda tidak mampu menyaingi besarnya rasa kangen aku sama kamu!
- pentingnya globalisasi dan perdagangan int gak bisa menandingi pentingnya kamu buat aku
Still Exam and Exam and Exam
19.12 Posted by vini Comments: (0)
ok,practical exam is over. but tomorrow is the exam from school . it take 3 days. and i didn't study much. too lazy to study again. all of it, making me sick . dammit.
What I Am Good At?
21.53 Posted by vini Comments: (0)
my friends are starting shining just now , but me? what the hell i am good at?
one thing i am proud of myself, because i've got 3rd place on "turnamen pelajar photography contest" so i got 500.000 rupiahs. but then i started thinking :
what i can do to make myself shine? i want to have brilliant future.
maybe for now just focus on the practical exam and school exams. just wish me luck guys
Sunday . bloody sunday
08.14 Posted by vini Comments: (0)
ok i had a long day today. first i woke up at 10 am in the morning, and then i take a shower and i go to pacific place with my mom, and we had some brunch there at urban kitchen. and then we went to Roger's Saloon , at first i wanted to do some facial treatment but then i just did a hairspa . it really felt good , because i got massages .
andddd it's 5 pm and then we went to the cinema, then watched the rob pattinson's movie "remember me" . it's a good moviee i like it !!! i even cried when i watched it .
and now it's 10 pm , i just done my dinner. already 12 hours from the time i started my day..
going to sleep everyone!bye
HELL o Saturday
01.25 Posted by vini Comments: (0)damn i am really bored . today is saturday, and i don't go anywhere.
so i just upload the pictures of me and my friends hang out yesterday
i use fisheye camera, and it turns out good when i printed it . it's not really good ,but it's better than when i first time printed from my fisheye camera

and just bought some dvds to watch :

The Difference Between Dreams and Reality
00.39 Posted by vini Comments: (0)
in dreams : everything can happen here
in reality : just reasonable things
in dreams : if something bad happen, you can just wake up
in reality : if something bad happen, we have to face it
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what? i got everything ? what a joke. go laugh . what are you judging?????
is it reality? or is it nightmare?
03.12 Posted by vini Comments: (0)
in one side , i am happy because the national exam is over. but there are things that make me down. that make my eyes feels like burning. things that like nightmares , but worse : because this is reality.
i always try to forget all of my sadness, and just try smile in every situation, and just go ,hang out with my lovely friends that sometimes , they're the only thing that make me laugh and alive.
i hate to know that i wont get 100 in science national exam, so far , i have 4 wrong answers.
i hate that -someone- always say everything that she wants without feeling guilty or something, and i still smile but inside.......i am drowned, i just feel very sick inside , that something going to explode .
i hate it when people laughing for something that makes the other people cry . even if you can't see the cry, but the cry is inside . no one can see it.
i hate that a lot of kid cheating in national exam!!!!!! i hate the facts that there's a lot of corruption .
that i have to study hard , really hard, but the others just buy the answers of the exam and acting innocent receiving perfect marks with devil smile.
maybe your marks will be much better than me, and your sins more than me too
well whatever, the only thing i know is : if there's no one in the planet, and you need help , the only one that can help you is God , that makes you smile right now, that make you breathe right now, even make you laugh right now. your helper is God, not money. try to eat money if u can
H3 UAN.its the end of march
04.10 Posted by vini Comments: (0)
hello world ! today is the third day of UAN. the subject is math and it's easier than B.indonesia.
i have to prepare for tomorrow!!!!!because tomorrows subject is IPA .
and by the way , today is : GABYTA 'S BIRTHDAY !!!!!
you should wish her a happy birthday too , just click the name "gaby" in the blue text ,and wish her everything. or check her out at her blog
honestly , i just woke up from sleep. okay i'm done.wishmeluck everyone
Damn Insomnia
08.46 Posted by vini Comments: (0)
i'm still awake, damn i hate a situation like this
its 10.30 pm and i can't sleep
i'm tired but my eyes like the other person who still wants to wake up
nan jamdeullyeogo yeolsimhihajiman nan geuleojil moshae.
Kpop Idols !
04.19 Posted by vini Comments: (0)maybe you think i'm a freak. well i don't really care. freak is not a bad title i guess
yes right now i'm obsessed with kpop idols . it started when my friend : nadia keep telling me to watch some korean reality show . so i watched all of it. the first group that i fall in love with is :

(from left : Onew,Taemin,Jonghyun,Minho,KEY<333)
first i like their songs and they are really good with their dance. esp: taemin
the song that i fell in love with is Replay(noona neomu yeppo) it means : noona(older woman)
and then i watched their reality shows , so FUN !
currently they are on the reality show : Hello Baby (it's a reality show that you have to take care and babysit a kid like you're the kid's dad or mom)

i started in love with this group after i watched the reality show Wild Bunny (it's a reality show that showing your wild side,but this program is for 2pm only ) and the reality show idol army . My fav songs from them are :
Heartbeat,I hate you,Again&again,only you,Tik Tok,etc
and the other group that i love are :
2AM, Mblaq, SNSD, etc
for more information about kpop idol ------->ALLKPOP news
(PS: about kpop? it's really addictive )
04.06 Posted by vini Comments: (0)
i started learning photography when i was in 7th grade .
first i don't really have interest in it , but after practice and practice, it's interesting.
it's been 2 years but i think i am still a beginner cause lately i don't practice much because to busy focusing on final exams. maybe you can teach me photography if u want to .
btw check out my gallery on deviantart CLICK HERE
and you can tell me yours too
so we can chat about photography
ohkayy i'm done.Goodbye <3
(sorry for my bad english ha , still practicing)
aaaaah english !
03.36 Posted by vini Comments: (0)
my english is bad. i really really want to practice using it everyday . because maybe i want to study overseas or because i want to join some home stay program . and there's a lot of scholarship for people who great in english . envy with my friends who speak english fluently .
and by the way today is H2 of the national exam. the subject is english.
it's not really easy for me. i have 6 questions that i answer unconfidently .
i hope the result turns out great .
sorry for my bad english. just practice heeeee.
going to watch invincible youth on KBS world (why the hell i don't study math for tomorrow?idk)
20.53 Posted by vini Comments: (0)akhirnya hari ini kita anak SMP se indonesia melaksanakan ujian akhir nasional mata pelajaran : bahasa indonesia. Memang kata orang orang uan itu akan mudah. namun tidak semudah yang dibayangkan. gue saja merasa tidak bisa 10 soal. soalnya sangat menjebak.
masa anak Indonesia tidak bisa mengerjakan UAN bahasa indonesia dengan hasil nilai bagus? ME-MA-LU-KAN.
ya memang seperti itu. tapi saya memilih lulus dengan nilai biasa saja daripada saya menyilet tangan saya.
sekarang harus bersiap2 untuk bhs inggris untuk uan besok. semoga bhs ingg,mat,dan ipa memuaskan hasilnya. AMEN

wish me luck for UAN guys
favorite quote
04.00 Posted by vini Comments: (0)
Blair Waldorf
"Every time I try to move on, you're right there."
My Class , My Mood Booster
03.40 Posted by vini Comments: (0)

sedih dikit akan berganti kelas dgn orang2 baru . sekarang udah pw banget haha
my class 9.2 yg kerjaan nya teriak teriak , trs ada tim yang kerjaan nya nge jayus yea pasti setiap hari ada yang bikin ketawa. jadi pembangkit mood gue .terimakasih ya kelas ! <3333

i'll not forget you.
babeee im back!
03.00 Posted by vini Comments: (0)
apa kabar ? setelah sangat lama skrg update blog lagi .
hmmmmmh besok udh UAN . wishmeluck ya everyone!
walau skrg gue masih aja nonton youtube sambil nyemil biskuit bayi :x
mohon maaf lahir dan batin yaaaa mohon doa restu untuk ujian heeee
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