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"tidak ada yang mudah, tapi tidak ada yang tidak mungkin"-napoleon bonaparte

"saat yang paling berbahaya, datang bersama dengan kemenangan yang besar "-napoleon bonaparte

Tugas kita bukanlah untuk berhasil. Tugas kita adalah untuk mencoba, karena didalam mencoba itulah kita menemukan dan belajar membangun kesempatan untuk berhasil -mt

sekarang bukan saatnya untuk menyesal,mending pikirin ke depan , bukan ke belakang .

to be a better person, i have to pass some mistakes

Jangan Mengeluh

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Kebahagiaan dtg jika kt berhenti mengeluh ttg kesulitan2 yg kt hadapi,& mengucapkan terima kasih atas kesulitan2 yang tdk menimpa kita.

Moulin Rouge!

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i just watched the film Moulin Rouge. it was an old film...
The Moulin Rouge. A night club, a dance hall and a bordello. Ruled over by Harold Zidler. A kingdom of night time pleasures. Where the rich and powerful came to play with the young and beautiful creatures of the underworld. The most beautiful of these was Satine.

Umm okay, the film at first feels a bit boring, but when i watched the full film, it was really good dan dramatic dan tragic love .....

i almost cried.

most favorite quote of this film
"the greatest thing you'll ever learn, is just to love, and be loved in return ." - toulouse lautrec

the other quotes :
"Come what may, I will love you until my dying day." -satine & christian
"The truth? The truth is that I am the Hindu courtesan... and I choose the maharajah."-satine
"Never fall in love with a woman who sells herself. It always ends bad. "
"The show must go on, Satine. We're creatures of the underworld. We can't afford to love."-Zidler